About Us

LazyWise is a small niche website established on 21.02.2020. This site focuses on the visitors’ self-improvement.

Our website publishes practical tips and info on how to be successful as well as productive. We are driven by facts and publishing the truth is our goal.

The biggest reason why I run this website is simply that I had trouble with laziness and didn’t know how to overcome it. No one was there for me when I really needed help.

I struggled with laziness for a long time and while I was seeking help to overcome this situation of mine, I found out that there was no website in the world that is purely focused on the lazy people and their problems.

After I found solution to my problems, I decided to run the first website that is purely focused on laziness and how to help lazy people overcome their problems in life.

This way, by writing many articles that are really helpful I have a higher chance to reach out to people that go through the same experience I went.